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Broadcom® provides semiconductor and software solutions for a wide range of applications.

One of the areas where Broadcom has a leading position for many years is in Ethernet Switch technology. The semiconductor and software solutions for Ethernet switching cover a wide range of applications and finding your way amongst all the options is not always easy.

AimValley helps you make that choice.

Broadcom & AimValley

AimValley is an expert in Ethernet Switch development and specifically in Broadcom-based development using both RoboSwitch and StrataXGS silicon. A few examples of our successfully completed are listed below.

Learn More on AimValley’s Broadcom Support.

Broadcom-based Designs

AimOS Development Kit R2
Carrier Class Ethernet Switch
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WE'RE Here To Assist You

Feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions and provide a demo.