AimValley Newsletter ǀ High bit-rate transportation with PLE


Private Line Emulation (PLE) enables Universal Packet Transport!

Traditionally, Communication Service Providers have maintained separate networks: one for IP and packet data traffic, and another for legacy services such as voice, E1/T1/T3, and SONET/SDH. Nowadays, almost all of the traffic carried on their networks is packet-based, including video, voice, and data applications between data centers, mobile networks, and end-user equipment. This requires operators to consolidate their traffic by transitioning their networks to all-packet, using IP routers, Ethernet switches, and packet optical transport network elements. Such single network architectures streamline their operations and reduce capital investments (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX).

However, network operators cannot ignore the vast installed base of equipment or wholesale carriers that offer legacy services to their customers. Circuit emulation is a proven and tested technology that transports legacy services across packet networks.

AimValley has a long history of offering several solutions for E1/T1/T3 and SONET/SDH, for instance using SAToP or CEP protocol in the company’s line of Smart SFPs. A new method for transparent high bit-rate transport is being worked at and submitted to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) through an internet-draft.

Erik van Veelen, one of our Senior Network Architects is contributing to forming this new Standard.

This new standardized methodology is named Private Line Emulation over Packet Switched Networks (PLE). Products supporting this standard enable network operators to reliably transport various types of high bit-rate client services such as SONET/SDH, Fibre Channel, OTN, and layer 1 Ethernet bit-streams across packet networks.

All that is required are 2 PLE adapters at the service end-points that convert the client signal into packets and vice-versa.

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