Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is all about business ethics and being responsible for each other, society, and the environment. AimValley is well aware of the potential impact its decisions and activities may have in these areas. Our CSR policy is focused on those areas where our influence is noticeably the highest:
Our social performance is mainly directed to our employees to provide a safe and healthy workplace. This is underlined by our commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as proclaimed by the United Nations.
Our main contribution to society is to provide training positions and educational facilities for students and graduates.
Our effort to limit the impact of our operations on the environment is driven by our environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001.
Our ethical and integrity principles are laid down in the AimValley Code of Conduct.
The AimValley Code of Conduct is based on the RBA Code of Conduct related to labor and business ethics, health and safety, and environment.
Our policy with regard to the use of Conflict Minerals has been published on our website and our general purchasing conditions
Our partners and main suppliers are required to adopt the same norms and standards on sustainability as we apply to our own business.
Giving something back!
Having a healthy mind and a healthy body is key to the vitality of our AimValley family.
Being able to handle stress, relate to others and make choices are all part of employee satisfaction.
That is why we have selected following foundations to help us embrace our vitaly and give something back!
- Quality Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Conflict Minerals
- Supplier Conduct
- Climate Change
AimValley supplies carrier class networking solutions that enable network operators to deliver services with optimized quality of experience and high quality design services that enable our customers to cost effectively support their business. We are committed to establish, maintain and improve a quality & environmental management system that is compliant to international standards and earned the ISO9001 and ISO14001 certificate.
To this extent, we will:
- Strive to exceed customer requirements and expectations
- Invests in highly skilled personnel and continuously improve and innovate our processes, services and products
- Maintain and secure relevant knowledge to ensure continuity
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace to our employees
- Be a socially responsible employer, respecting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Comply with applicable laws and regulations
- Strive for continuity and to fulfill financial and contractual commitments
AimValley recognizes its responsibility for the environment and the impact our operations, decisions and activities may have on the global community, natural resources and public health and safety. Our environmental policy is to develop eco sustainable solutions and technologies for our customers. We follow and, where feasible, anticipate on initiatives and legislation to reduce and prevent the burden of our activities on the environment. Our products are designed to meet the European RoHS, REACH and WEEE regulations while we continuously monitor updates and publications of similar national and international standards.
AimValley maintains an environmental management system conform the guidelines of standard ISO14001 and has earned the certificate.
Our environmental policy and performance is independently evaluated and rated by EcoVadis as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility program.
Statement regarding sourcing of minerals.
AimValley supports supply chain activities to prohibit the use of cassiterite (tin ore), wolframite (tungsten ore), coltan (tantalum ore), gold and cobalt, or their derivatives, whose extraction or trade supports conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries, and/or contributes to inhumane treatment, including human trafficking, slavery, forced labor, child labor, torture and war crimes in the region. Our efforts are not intended at altogether banning procurement of minerals from the DRC and adjoining countries but to assure sourcing from responsible sources in the region. See also the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct.
As OEM supplier to several globally active companies, AimValley is closely monitoring the status of conflict minerals with the full intent of supporting our customers, to the extent possible, with their policy regarding conflict minerals. We ask our suppliers to cooperate with us in our efforts to assure procurement of non-conflict minerals, see our Suppliers page for more details.
AimValley does not purchase these metals directly from any smelter or mine, so we must rely on source information that our suppliers provide. AimValley’s manufacturing operations are carried out by several subcontract manufacturing partners. We have actively communicated our policy on conflict minerals to all of our manufacturing partners and have started a process to obtain written assurances and/or certifications that their metal suppliers do not purchase any metals or minerals mined from the DRC. AimValley will continue to address conflict minerals sourcing with its manufacturing partners as additional information becomes available.
If AimValley becomes aware of a supplier whose supply chain includes metals from a conflict source, AimValley will take the appropriate actions to remedy the situation in a timely manner, including reassessment of supplier relationships. AimValley expects our suppliers to take similar measures with their suppliers to ensure alignment throughout the supply chain.
“Supplier” means any company, corporation or other entity that sells, or seeks to sell goods and services to AimValley B.V. including the supplier’s employees, agents and other representatives.
General Conditions
AimValley relies on its suppliers to support our development and manufacturing operations with timely provision of material and services with quality and good workmanship in compliance with agreed conditions in purchase contracts and/or frame agreements. It is AimValley’s policy to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of countries and regions in which we operate and AimValley has the same expectations of it’s suppliers.
In addition and beyond legal compliance, as a responsible global citizen, AimValley is committed to conduct it’s business activities in an honest and ethical manner. The AimValley Supplier Code of Conduct declares that we expect our suppliers to uphold the same commitment and policies on social responsibility as we do.
The AimValley Supplier Code of Conduct
AimValley wants to do business with companies that are similarly committed to health and safety, human rights, environmental and social responsibility, ethics and legal compliance. The AimValley Supplier Code of Conduct is published to make our suppliers aware of our intentions, expectations and requirements on social, ethical and environmental practices. Evidence of non-compliances to the Supplier Code of Conduct will result in corrective action requests. If a supplier refuses or is unable to correct non-compliances to our satisfaction we will terminate the relationship.
AimValley embraced the RBA Code of Conduct as framework for our own Code of Conduct. We believe that the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct is an excellent reference and guideline for our industry.
AimValley hereby requires its suppliers to comply with the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct.
Conflict Minerals
AimValley supports ending violence and human rights abuses in the mining of conflict minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its adjoining countries. See also our Statement on Conflict Minerals.
AimValley expects its suppliers to ensure that the use of conflict minerals is prevented in their products and in their supply chain.
Environmental Compliance
AimValley is committed to the design and manufacture of environment-friendly products. We need the support of our suppliers to accomplish this through elimination of potentially hazardous substances. This is in compliance with the European Union’s RoHS, REACH and WEEE directives, other international regulations, and customer’s ‘Green Procurement’ guidelines. AimValley requires it’s suppliers to commit to latest EU and similar international regulations on the prevention of hazardous materials and we expect our suppliers to inform us immediately about any violations.
Climate change is an important subject to AimValley.
We agree with the scientific community’s opinion that human activity contributes to climate change and back the global intention to limit climate change to 2°C or less.
We support mitigation activities to reduce climate change. We believe adaptation to cope with changes in climate is also necessary.
We are committed to reducing the impact our activities have on climate through proactive measures including:
- Understanding our environmental footprint
- Setting and striving to meet our environmental impact reduction targets